All indicators remain positive. Bullish sentiment high.


The GMI and GMI-R remain at their maximum values.   The last 2 weeks of December may bring strength for the leaders as mutual funds acquire them as part of end-of-quarter window dressing. The only warning signal I see now is the rise in bullish sentiment.   The latest Investors Intelligence poll shows 56.7% of advisers are bullish.   Rates near 60% often come near market tops. However the Worden T2198 indicator is only at 58%, in neutral territory. The key for me is to wait for a definite change in trend and not to try to anticipate one. So, I remain 100% long in my university pension and hold a position in QLD in my IRA trading account.

Options expiration today; Wednesday was 18th day of QQQQ short term up-trend; ABV


On to end of year/quarter mutual fund window dressing. My next post will be Monday morning.

I bought some January deep in-the-money call options on ABV yesterday.   It may be breaking our of a multi-week consolidation. Yesterday, though, there was little increase in volume as it rose.   If it falls back, I will sell. Click on this daily chart to enlarge.