GMI: 4+; GMI-R: 7+; Going long

The GMI is at 4+ as the number of new highs has climbed above 100 (136) and the IBD Growth Mutual Fund Index is now above its 50 day average.  Even though  this rally looks weak and untimely, the train has left the station.  I am accumulating QLD and other growth stocks.

2 thoughts on “GMI: 4+; GMI-R: 7+; Going long”

  1. Oct.15…

    After much thought, I have revised the GMI by adding 4 new indicators, signified by an “*”. The GMI-R ranges from 0-10 and may provide a more sensitive measure of the trend of the general market. For the time being, I will post the original GMI and the revised GMI-R in the table for the benefit of readers who use the original index…….

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