Blog Post: Day 37 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 350 US new highs and 2 lows with 138 at ATH! $QQQ had GLB and closed at ATH, see daily chart; $SPY approaching its green line, see monthly chart


Note the green line break-out (GLB)  to an all-time high (ATH) on Tuesday.

Monthly chart shows SPY  just below its green line.

1 thought on “Blog Post: Day 37 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 350 US new highs and 2 lows with 138 at ATH! $QQQ had GLB and closed at ATH, see daily chart; $SPY approaching its green line, see monthly chart”

  1. Looks more like a QQQ GLB first happened on Tue 12/19, and failed the very next day in the mysterious Wed 12/20 swoon. Then QQQ broke the 408.71 GL again more decisively on Tue 12/26. Remains to be seen if QQQ closes this week above the GL – seems likely as per Santa rally? – and if it can keep holding above the GL going forward – less confident about that in the short term.

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