Blog Post: Day 35 of $QQQ short term down-trend; Recent IPO $EE close to break-out to ATH, see chart


3 thoughts on “Blog Post: Day 35 of $QQQ short term down-trend; Recent IPO $EE close to break-out to ATH, see chart”

  1. Thanks for excellent insight and approach. One question i have is what do you use to count the short term trend ? is it GMI2 >4 for 2 consecutive days as the first day of uptrend after being < 4 for some time or other proprietary method ? wondering how you use GMI and GMI 2 as well. thanks

  2. Dr. Wish doesn’t usually answer comments. I’ve been following him for a couple of years, and he has stated in past posts that GMI >3 for two consecutive days is a green buy signal and GMI <3 for two consecutive days is a sell. He has said that GMI2 is more sensitive to market changes, and he uses it as an early warning system, but I don’t think he bases his mechanical buy and sell signals on GMI2. His GMI signal is for the broader market. He uses a different system for determining the $QQQ short term trend.

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